Day 7 supplement - Off Shore Boat Ride, Snorkeling Photos

These are our "extra" photos from our boat ride in the Mediterranean Sea out from the old port of Al-Mina, part of the city of Tripoli in northern Lebanon.

Patrick, in the bow here of our charter boat, has to hold on as we encounter a little wave action in our lightly loaded, shallow-bottomed boat.

Patrick has his digital camera ready in its underwater case as we near the island most distant from the shore, Ramkine Island. 

Patrick enters the water on a rocky outcropping adjacent to En Nakhil Island.

Ready - set ...

... under he goes to explore the underwater life.

The fish are pretty small and skittish but they are attractive

here's a little guy coming in for a close-up

the moss is small and delicate

Coming back to the surface ...

Patrick captures these shots ...

... of the boat & Keith on the rock.

bunches of little schools running through the rocks

the water is a little murky and visibility is rather limited

but snorkeling is a wonderful pastime

back out of the water I could really feel the strength of the salt as the seawater dried

Our skipper takes a break on the way back in. We see that this passing tour boat also has very few passengers.

As we near one of the closer-in islands, we come across this boat that looks more like a "working" boat.

As we pull away from this island, we can see that it is popular swimming place.

Returning to Al-Mina, we get this view of the skyline & this fisherman paddling in.

Another view of the skyline & harbor area.

We now head for the part of the harbor where these tour boats are kept.

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